Law Enforcement
Welcome to Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice!
The Law Enforcement Program at Bellmont is an introductory course into criminal justice career fields. Students may elect to participate in Criminal Justice I, two-semesters, and experience some of the real-life concerns of the justice system in and around Adams County.
Public Safety
- Program of Study – Criminal Justice
- Advanced Courses
- Criminal Justice I (Ivy Tech CRIM 101)
- Criminal Justice II (Ivy Tech CRIM 113)
- Program of Study – Fire and Rescue
- Advanced Courses
- Fire and Rescue I (in Geneva/Area 18) (Ivy Tech HSPS 106/HSPS 121)
- Fire and Rescue II (in Geneva/Area 18) (Ivy Tech HSPS 165/HSPS167)
- Advanced Courses
- Advanced Courses